Emilie is reading
1984 by George Orwell. Olivia wants to read
Animal Farm. But it's not in our library, so we will have to get it from Texarkana.
The "sisters" are working on Learning Adventures- A New World of Adventure.
History- Charles II, King Phillips War, Read
Mary Of Plymouth, Read
The Story of the Thirteen Colonies Chapters XXXVI, XXXVII
Science- Weather Advisory notebooking page, Fahrenheit notebook page
Literature- Little Pilgrim's Progress
Grammar, Spelling, Journal
Battlefield of the Mind for KidsTechnology-computer research skills
Frog and ToadMath
Poetry memorization
She is working on chores now.
I made our own chore packs. I like the concept of the
Chore Packs but there is no way I'm going to pay for a book and chore cards, when I can make them myself. I wanted to find a way to get the girls to do their routine on their own rather than me nagging them. The "sisters" don't want to wear them, but I really want them to give it a good try for at least a week then I may tweak it a bit.
Years ago I bought (and later sold) one of their
other books I found it to be very "institutional", law heavy and not flexible. I prefer routine rather then a strict minute by minute time table schedule.
I don't necessarily like their stuff. I think it can lead people into bondage to a clock, living to the letter of the law/schedule rather then being lead by the Holy Spirit.